Victory Super Kraken (VX100) Kemper Profiles

Could this be the best British metal / rock amplifier of all time? It’s possible, it really is. Offering a clean and crunch channel but includes two gain options and a preamp boost (coined Preamp Focus which reacts similar to a traditional tube screamer) this thing is a BEAST. This pack features 36 DIRECT (extensively captured and refined with each setting in alteration) and 48 STUDIO profiles with boosts from a Maxon 808 (more coming soon). Cabs include Mesa Boogie, Marshall (Modern and Vintage) , Orange, Bogner, and TWO signature blend of my own design plus tone matched material featuring Rabea Massaad (including official settings) all backed with industry standard MD421/SM57 microphones.

What is surprising with this amp is the clean channel, we knew the crunch gain modes will be fantastic but the overhead room on the clean allows you to sculpt a really surprisingly delightful clean break up tone and it reacts ridiculously good! To compensate for the amp dynamics I’ve also created variations of profiles for various guitars including the famous Les Paul and Stratocaster – mix and matching is welcome but if you’re wanting a proper CLEAN STRAT tone, it’s here – included … and it sounds GREAT but don’t worry metal heads, everything has been created with you in mind.

Let’s get onto the sound demo shall we?

Whether you’re using passive or active pickups , we have you covered. This pack has a lot of tonal options – so go buy it!