Marshall JVM410H Kemper Profiles

The wonderful Marshall JVM410H is the most versatile Marshall amplifier you can buy! Offering four channels with three modes on each this is surely a monster of an amp and the profiles reflect that. Featuring two editions (Edition A dated 2015/2017) and the brand new Edition B (2020) are now available for purchase and download.

Edition A contains: 16 DIRECT, 20 MERGED and 128 STUDIO profiles with a Mesa Boogie 4×12 and a Bogner 4×12 cabinet plus various boosts , consider this edition as a LEGACY.

Edition B contains: 12 DIRECT and 56 STUDIO profiles from our Marshall 1960A cabinet (GT75 speakers) and the famed Mesa Boogie 4×12 (V30) with MD421/SM57 blends with boosts including Klon Centaur, EH Linear Power Boost, Keeley 808, Maxon 808, Boss SD1, Wylde OD and a Fortin 33.

There are a lot of tone variety for every player imaginable. Not to be outdone by the first edition , the second uses our new DIRECT capturing method for improved quality for LIVE players. How does Edition B sound? Incredible!

Go grab it, this is an extremely dynamic amplifier and pack.