Engl Savage 120 Kemper Profiles

Considered by many as the best metal amplifier of all time , the mighty Engl Savage 120 is ready for your Kemper shredding abilities! Featuring clean, crunch and lead channels this amplifier is hot, tight and offers a wonderful responsive mid and low end. This pack features 29 DIRECT and 72 STUDIO profiles for your hard rocking pleasure. This pack is a no nonsense pack – lots of gain , lots of mids and lots of tightness.

Cabs include: Bogner 4×12, Mesa Boogie 4×12 and an Orange 4×12 with boosts from our Fortin 33,  Fortin Grind and Maxon 808 pedals also for additional tonal options. If you want a fat filthy guitar pack then this is it – be smart and grab this pack!