Randall RM100 MTS Kemper Profiles

Way back when before the Kemper was released Randall dipped its fingers into the world of tube based modular amps (With the help of Bruce Egnater of Egnater Amplification) in what results is a some what under appreciated and often misunderstood juggernaut.  It’s a big and heavy (weight…) but it allows the user to change modules to emulate tones from Fender, Mesa Boogie and more. The current three modules are included in this pack;

  • Blackface (Based on the preamp circuit of a Fender Blackface Twin)
  • Ultra (Extreme hi-gain, with tight low end and liquid sustain)
  • SL+ (Based on the preamp circuit of a hot rodded Marshall Super Lead)

Cabs used: Mesa Boogie , Marshall, David Laboga and Bogner with various speakers and microphones giving you total flexibility to find and shape your tone. If you want a unique and distinct blues tone with chimey cleans and wicked leads with FX ready to go then this is the ULTIMATE pack containing 30 DIRECT and 85 STUDIO profiles.