Bogner Alchemist Kemper Profiles

The Bogner Alchemist is a rock amp through and through. Fantastic cleans , a real smooth crunch tone and a high gain sound that should be in any rockers arsenal. We have put together a collection of 23 DIRECT only profiles with various mods and settings for your pleasure. Each setting has been noted via our EQ settings chart so you know exactly what is going on. We profiled both channels (Gold and Mercury) plus you’ll get your cleans, crunch and high gain and more. For the harder rock enthusiasts we have several boosted profiles to tighten the low end for your needs. Whilst this is a fantastic amp we made sure to cater to all styles and a blues enthusiast should feel right at home with our clean profiles.

Cabs used: Marshall 1960 , Hesu and David Laboga w/ various mics and placements.